20 22 78 01​​

Dkch(u) Chaveni´s Real Passion "cody"​

Cody 22 mdr på foto​​

Cody august 2008​​

Cody's galleri

Hvalpe efter Cody / Cody's progeny

Opdrætter/Breeder: Brit Hoseth

Kennel: Chaveni, Norge

Ejer/Owner: Conni Pallesen

3 x cert i Danmark / 3 klubcert / 3 x cert i Tyskland

3 x CAC and 3 Club CAC DK / 3 x CAC und Anw.Dt.Ch.(VDH)

Født/Born: 18.6. 2005

HD/hips: B

Albuer/Elbows: 0

Øjne/Eyes: Fri for arvelige øjensygdomme 30.10.2012

DNA-Test GR_PRA1 og GR_PRA2: Normal / Clear

Brugsprøve: Bestået 9.9. 2006

Dommer: C. Collins, Irland (Erinderry) skrev:

"Handsome mid gold dog and beautiful gleaming coat and in excellent condition, very balanced outline standing and on the move, excellent body proportions with balanced angulations front and rear, good head and expression, excellent pigment, happy character, very free moving"


Champion Class: Excellent 2nd winner, 4th best dog - DRK, Jubilæumsudstilling den 19.7.09 Næstved

Judge: Lynne Hennesy, GB

Champion Class: Excellent 2nd winner - DRK Jubilæumsudstilling den 18.7.09 Næstved

Judge: Heather Morss, GB

Champion Class: Excellent 1st winner, 2nd best dog - DRK den 14.6.09 Stestrup

Judge: Elisabeth Pope, GB

Champion class: Excellent, 1st winner, best dog, BOS - Golden retriever udstilling i Uldum den 25.4.09

Judge: Filip Johnsson, SE

Champion class: Excellent, 1st winner, 3rd best dog - DRK Næstved den 18.4.09

Judge: Anne Nerell, S

Champion Class: Excellent, 1st winner, best dog m/clubcert, BOS - DRK Næstved 7.12.08

Judge: Paula Edwards, GB

Champion Class: Very good, 4ht winner - DKK Herning 9.11.08

Judge: Wendy Gunner, GB

Open Class: Excellent, 1st winner, CAC, BOB, BIS 3 - DRK Køge 21.9.08

Judge: Christian Brix, DK

Open Class: Excellent, 2nd winner - DKK Ballerup 20.9.08

Judge: Susanne Tillge, DK

Open Class: Excellent, 3rd winner - DRK, Vejen 17.8.08

Judge: Anne Liland, Norge

Open Class: Excellent, 3rd winner - DKK, Vejen 16.8.08

Judge: Giesela Werner, DE

Open Class: Excellent, 2nd winner with Reserve CAC - GRC, Hamburg 19.7.08

Judge: C. Collins, Irland

Åben klasse: 1. præmie, 1. vinder m/CK, BIK1 Cert, BIM - DRK Rønne 13.10.07

Judge: Connie Svane, DK

Mellemklassen: 1. præmie, 1. vinder m/CAC - Europasieger udstilling Dortmund d. 5.5.07

Judge: Ralf Koch, DE

Brugshundeklassen: 1. præmie, 1. vinder m/CK, BIK 3 - DKK Ribe d. 8.4.07

Judge: Bolette Heering, DK

Mellemklassen: 1. præmie, 1. vinder m/CAC - Golden udstilling, Cloppenburg d. 18.3.07

Judge: Elisabeth Pope, GB

Unghundeklassen: 1. præmie - Verdensudstillingen i Poznan, Polen d. 12.11.06

Judge: Moa Persson, S

Brugshundeklasse:1. pr. 1. vinder m/Cert, BIK2,- DRK, Bornholm 14.10.06

Dommer:Ing-Marie Hagelin, Sverige

Unghundeklassen: 1.pr. 1. vinder med SL/CK - DKK,Ålborg, d. 18.6.06

Dommer: A. Paloheimo, Finland


Baby klassen: 1. pr. 1. vinder, BIR baby - DKK Brørup 20.11.05

Dommer: Svend Otto Hansen, DK

Baby klassen: 1. pr. 1. vinder, BIR baby - DKK Billund 2.10.05

Dommer: Jessie Borregaard, DK​​

Multi CH Paudell Pure Passion

CH. Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien

Sansue Castalien

Kerrien Calypso of Paudell

Kerrien Forever Bonnie at Paudell

CH. Sansue Golden Ruler

​SH CH. Kerrien C'est la Vie

​Sjakk Matt av Vervik


Goldstep Browning European


Stenbury Water Voyager

Goldstep Lodestar


Dasty Golden Daffodil


Lovehayne Darter

Dasty Human Touch

Far: Paudell Pure Passion​​​

​Mor: Sjakk Matt av Vervik​​​​

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Kennel Kildespring

Vesterkobbel 9

6430 Nordborg

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✉ E-mail: kildespring.golden@gmail.com

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