20 22 78 01​​


Non-Stop Jojo Mayer​

"JOE" / "JOJO"

joe herning 3 og 4 nov 2018 nu veteran champion

Jojo nyslået Veteran champion 10 år og 7 mdr. gammel ​​

Jojo og mig i Ungarn sept 2009​​

Joe 2 years og 4 month old. Foto: Hundefotgrafen​​

Joe 3 years old​​

Joe´s galleri

Hvalpe efter Joe

Opdrætter/Breeder: Kerti Borbála, Ungarn

Kennel: Non-Stop

Ejer/Owner: Conni Pallesen

Mest vindende golden retriever på udstillingerne i DK 2011

Most winning golden retriever at the exhibitions in DK 2011

3 x veteran certer i Danmark / 3 x veteran CAC in Denmark​

3 x cert i Danmark / 3 x CAC in Denmark

5 clubcert i Tyskland /5 Club CAC in Germany

4 VDH cert i Tyskland / 4 VDH CAC in Germany

1 cert i Sverige / 1 CAC in Sweden

3 x Junior cert i Ungarn / 3 x Junior CAC in Hungary

Født/Born: 18.4. 2008

HD: A - Albuer: 0 i Danmark og Ungarn

Hips: A - Elbows: 0 in Denmark and Hungary

Øjne/Eyes: Fri for arvelige øjensygdomme 5.12.2018

DNA-Test GR_PRA1 og GR_PRA2: Normal / Clear

Brugsprøve: Bestået


Champion Class: Excellent 1st winner CAC, 2nd best dog - GRC, Cloppenburg, Tyskland, 26.11.2011

Judge: Judge: Julie Seamons, GB

Open Class: Excellent 2nd winner CAC - GRC, Giessen, Tyskland, 29.10.2011

Judge: Judge: Jayne Storey, GB

Open Class: Excellen 1st winner, Best dog CAC + Club CAC, BOB, BIS 2 -

DRK, 15.10.2011

Judge: Karl-Erik Johansson, SE

Open Class: Excellent 1st winner, Best dog CAC, BOB - Golden Retriever Show 27.8.2011

Judge: Pat Tuck, GB

Open Class: Excellent 1st winner, Best dog CAC, BOB & 2nd best Gr. 8 - DKK Varde 20.8.2011

Judge: Eugene Yerusalimsky, RU

Open Class: Excellent, 1st winner, CAC og Anw.Dt.CH.(VDH) -GRC Show Itzehoe 2.7.2011

Judge: Filip Johnsson, SE

Open Class: Excellent, 1st winner CC quality, 2nd best dog, Reserve CAC -DRK Show, Vejen 19.6.2011

Judge: Ruth W. Weightman, GB

Open Class: Excellent, 1st winner CC quality, 3rd best dog, Reserve CAC - Golden retriever Show, Vonge, 30.4.2011

Judge: Jenny Frankland-Mace, GB

Open Class: Excellent, 1st winner CC quality - DKK, Næstved 23.4.2011

Judge: Inga Bonez, DK

Open Class: Excellent, 2nd winner - DKK, Tønder

Judge: Rikke Borring, DK

Open Class: Excellent, 2nd winner, 4th best dog - Golden Show 28.8.10

Judge: Eddie Webster, Scotland

Intermediate Class: Excellent, 3rd winner - GRC Cloppenburg, DE 27.3.10

Judge: Patricia Tuck, GB

Intermediate Class: Excellent, 1st winner, 3rd best dog - DRK Næstved 7.3.10

Judge: Rikke Borring, DK

Intermediate Class: Excellent, 4th winner - DKK Herning 8.11.09

Judge: Val Burns, GB

Intermediate Class: Excellent, 1st winner, 4th best dog - DKK Herning 7.11.09

Judge: Heather Morris, GB

3 x JCAC, Junior Best of Breed i Ungarn

Baby BOB in European Dog Show '08

3 x VP 1, 3 x Best Baby in CACIBs Ungarn


Open class: Excellent, 2nd winner, 2nd best dog - DRK, region Fyn 1.11.09

Judge: Yngve Andersen, NO​

​IntCh BelCh Gatchells Man of Honour

Eng. SH. CH. Golmas Governor JW

Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde

Golmas Grace N Favour

​Eng. SH. CH. Gatchells Royal Orchid JW

​Eng. SH. CH. Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood

Eng. SH. CH. Gatchells Maid for Music JW

EuCh. HsCH. Non-Stop "Dió"

ICH Karvin Zaicca

​Fin mva Kerrien Raleigh

Karvin Greta Garbo

HJCH.HCH. PrimroseDéjá Vu

ICH.HCH.Karvin Basic Instinct of Gáláns

ICH.HCH.Gáláns Trallala

EuCh HsCH Non-Stop "Dio"

IntCh BelCh Gatchells Man of Honour

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Kennel Kildespring

Vesterkobbel 9

6430 Nordborg

Kontakt os

☎ Tlf.: ​20 22 78 01

✉ E-mail: kildespring.golden@gmail.com

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